Joshua Bryant

Joshua Bryant was active in show business for forty years in the United States as an actor, director and producer. He began his career after attending the Pasadena Playhouse College of Theatre Arts in Pasadena, California on a James Dean Memorial Scholarship. After three years in Germany as a member of the U.S. Army Signal Corps he attended London’s Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, also on scholarship. While there he was a recipient of the Vanbrugh Award and was the first foreigner ever to win the Poel Prize for Shakespeare speaking.

joshua bryant He is recognized worldwide for his many television roles. He appeared as Mary Tyler Moore’s boyfriend, married the school teacher on “Little House on the Prairie” and played Sergeant Scully on “M*A*S*H”. For several years he hosted the US nationally syndicated weekly television show, “Game Warden Wildlife Journal”. His most recent role was as General William Tecumseh Sherman in the DreamWorks mini-series, “Into the West”. He has also recorded the autobiography of his friend, Gardner McKay, for Hawaii Public Radio.

In New Mexico in 1995 he founded the Taos Talking Picture Festival, named after only it's fourth year as one of the top ten film festivals in the world.

For 16 years he lived in France with his wife, former actress Melinda Mullins, now painter/writer Em Bryant, a passel of cats and dogs and what are apparently the only two wild Mustang horses in Europe. His novel, The Hard Way Up, was translated and published in French by Editions du Mont Blanc under the title l'Escalade d'après. He became a French citizen in 2023.